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Nokia 3230 repair

The Nokia 3230 is a Symbian Series 60 smartphone announced on November 2, 2004. It was billed as the first Series 60 phone aimed at the mass-market rather than the higher-end Series 60 devices. It runs on Series 60 2nd Edition Feature Pack 1 (Version 2.1), based on Symbian OS 7.0s. It features several games (including multiplayer Bluetooth games), a 1.23 megapixel camera, Nokia Lifeblog, a 32 MB RS-MMC to store extra images and applications, Push to Talk, a 176×208 pixel 65,536-colour screen, multimedia messaging, and RealPlayer.
The Nokia 3230 is one of the first with Push to Talk over Cellular (PoC), a walkie-talkie style method of communicating, and also Visual Radio, which enhances a normal radio receiver with extra info about artists and songs delivered over GPRS

Cara Memperbaiki Nokia 3230:
Nokia 3230 terdiri dari dua bagian : ui module (keypad, lcd konektor,dll) dan mesin utama (engine).
Karena fisik ui module yang relatif tipis menyebabkan ui module sering mengalami ganggugan baik itu pada konektornya maupun ui module itu sendiri.

Check ui module dan konektor pertama kali sebelum melakukan hal yang lain.
Kerusakan seperti: keypad problem, speaker problem, camera problem, bahkan mati total juga dapat disebabkan oleh ui module.

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